MusicalComedy OperaRevivalBroadway
Opening Date
May 02, 1898
Closing Date
May 07, 1898
MusicalComedy OperaRevivalBroadway


The credits for this production have not yet been completed or verified.
American Theatre
(May 02, 1898 - May 07, 1898)

An opera in three acts and five scenes

  • People
  • Songs
    music by Carl Millocker
    Act 1
    Sung By
    Our husbands, alas! They've lock'd up in jail
    Enterich, Puffke and Chorus
    When with good cheer the festive board doth smile
    And they say toward ladies one should gallantly behave
    General Ollendorf
    The world to soaring genius ever quick recognition has refused!
    Symon Symonovicz, Janitsky and Saxon Officers
    Confounded cell, at last I leave thee!
    Symon Symonovicz, Janitsky and Saxon Officers
    Hurrah, hip, hurrah! the fair has begun
    Some little shopping really we ought to do
    Laura, Bronislava, Countess of Palmatica and Onouphrie
    That is the Prince Wibicki with his Secretary there!
    General Ollendorf, Laura, Bronislava, Countess of Palmatica, Eva, Symon Symonovicz and Saxon Officers
    You love each other!
    Principals and Chorus
    Act 2
    Sung By
    I at last have found a husband
    Laura, Bronislava, Countess of Palmatica and Onouphrie
    This kiss, sweet love, our union shall cement forevermore!
    Bronislava and Janitsky
    Shall I tell her? or keep silence?
    Laura and Symon Symonovicz
    Most happy bride, for you life's skies are clearing
    General Ollendorf, Symon Symonovicz, Countess of Palmatica, Janitsky, Saxon Officers and Chorus
    One day I was perambulating along the Ganges
    General Ollendorf
    There in the chamber Polish they acted quite Mongolish
    General Ollendorf
    Wedding bells are sweetly ringing
    Principals and Chorus
    Act 3
    Sung By
    Shabby young hussy! penniless cheat!
    I'm penniless and outlawed too
    Symon Symonovicz
    Hush they come! See, there the fellow stands!
    Countess of Palmatica, Symon Symonovicz, General Ollendorf, Eva, Bogumil, Janitsky, Laura, Bronislava and Saxon Officers
    The land is free, united we, a daring game brought luck and fame!
    Symon Symonovicz, Laura, Bronislava, Principals and Chorus
music by Carl Millocker
Act 1
Sung By
Our husbands, alas! They've lock'd up in jail
Enterich, Puffke and Chorus
When with good cheer the festive board doth smile
And they say toward ladies one should gallantly behave
General Ollendorf
The world to soaring genius ever quick recognition has refused!
Symon Symonovicz, Janitsky and Saxon Officers
Confounded cell, at last I leave thee!
Symon Symonovicz, Janitsky and Saxon Officers
Hurrah, hip, hurrah! the fair has begun
Some little shopping really we ought to do
Laura, Bronislava, Countess of Palmatica and Onouphrie
That is the Prince Wibicki with his Secretary there!
General Ollendorf, Laura, Bronislava, Countess of Palmatica, Eva, Symon Symonovicz and Saxon Officers
You love each other!
Principals and Chorus
Act 2
Sung By
I at last have found a husband
Laura, Bronislava, Countess of Palmatica and Onouphrie
This kiss, sweet love, our union shall cement forevermore!
Bronislava and Janitsky
Shall I tell her? or keep silence?
Laura and Symon Symonovicz
Most happy bride, for you life's skies are clearing
General Ollendorf, Symon Symonovicz, Countess of Palmatica, Janitsky, Saxon Officers and Chorus
One day I was perambulating along the Ganges
General Ollendorf
There in the chamber Polish they acted quite Mongolish
General Ollendorf
Wedding bells are sweetly ringing
Principals and Chorus
Act 3
Sung By
Shabby young hussy! penniless cheat!
I'm penniless and outlawed too
Symon Symonovicz
Hush they come! See, there the fellow stands!
Countess of Palmatica, Symon Symonovicz, General Ollendorf, Eva, Bogumil, Janitsky, Laura, Bronislava and Saxon Officers
The land is free, united we, a daring game brought luck and fame!
Symon Symonovicz, Laura, Bronislava, Principals and Chorus

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