Opening Date
Nov 07, 1990
Closing Date
Feb 24, 1991
1st Preview
Oct 23, 1990
1st Preview
Oct 23, 1990


Edison Theatre
(Nov 07, 1990 - Feb 24, 1991)

Theatre Owned / Operated by Edison Management Corporation
Produced by Moe Septee; Produced in association with Victor H. Potamkin, Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld
Conception and continuity: Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld; Music by Joseph Rumshinsky ("Shloymele-Malkele"), Ben Yomen ("Shabes, Shabes, Shabes" (Welcoming the Sabbath)), Gioacchino Rossini ("Figaro's Aria" (From The Barber of Seville)), Lew Pollack ("My Yiddishe Mame"), Sholom Secunda ("Bei Mir Bistu Schoen" (To Me, You're Beautiful)) and Samuel Steinberg ("Yosl, Yosl"); Words by Itsik Manger ("Yosl Ber"; folk-melody), Mani Leib ("Mamenyu Tayere" (Dear Mama); folk-melody), Ben Bonus ("Shabes, Shabes, Shabes" (Welcoming the Sabbath)), Jack Yeller ("My Yiddishe Mame"), Jacob Jacobs ("Bei Mir Bistu Schoen" (To Me, You're Beautiful)) and Nellie Casman ("Yosl, Yosl"); Words and Music by M. Warshavsky ("Ofyn Pripetshik" (At the Fireplace); "Di Rod" (The Circle)), M. Gebirtig ("Ver Der Ershter Vet Lakhn" (Who Will Laugh First?), "Motele"), A. Lebedeff ("Hudl Mitn Shtrudl" (Hudl with the Shtrudl); "Rumania, Rumania"), Sholom Secunda ("Rumania, Rumania"), Gene Raskin ("Those Were the Days"), Mel Tolkin ("The Palace of the Czar"), Hymie Jacobson ("Litvak/Galitsyaner"), Bella Meisel ("Papirosn" (Cigarettes)) and Herman Yablokoff ("Papirosn" (Cigarettes)); Yiddish Lyrics by Chana Mlotek ("Yiddish International Radio Hour"), Robert Abelson ("Figaro's Aria" (From The Barber of Seville)) and Moishe Rosenfeld ("Figaro's Aria" (From The Barber of Seville)); English Lyrics by Sammy Cahn ("Bei Mir Bistu Schoen" (To Me, You're Beautiful)) and Saul Chaplin ("Bei Mir Bistu Schoen" (To Me, You're Beautiful)); Based on a story by I. L. Peretz ("On a Moonlit Night") and Sholom Aleichem ("Kasrilevke Restoran" (A Restuarant in Kasrilevke); "Shalakh-Mones" (Gifts for Purim)); American folksong adapted by Wolf Younin ("Halevay Volt Ikh Singl Geven" (I Wish I Were Single Again)); From the repertoire of Menashe Oppenheim ("Mamenyu Tayere" (Dear Mama); folk-melody); Folksong "Saposhkelekh" (The Boots) from the research of Michael Alpert; From the "Forbidden Songs" of Soviet Jews as recorded by David Eshet ("Mayn Alte Heym"); Based on a song by Fishl Kanapoff ("Hootsatsa"); Additional material by E. Cecuona, M. Makeba, B. Towne, Bruce Adler, Robert Abelson, Mina Bern and Eleanor Reissa; Additional material by Jacques Offenbach, Frank Loesser and Manos Hadjidakis; Musical Director: Zalmen Mlotek; Assistant Musical Dir.: Alkiviades Steriopoulos
Directed by Eleanor Reissa; Choreographed by Eleanor Reissa
Scenic Design by Tom Sturge; Costume Design by Gail Cooper-Hecht; Lighting Design by Tom Sturge; Sound Design by Jim Badrak and Alan Gregorie; Hair Design by Teddy Jenkins; Assistant Lighting Design: Mark O'Connor
General Manager: Leonard Soloway; Company Manager: Abby Evans
Production Manager: Peter Lawrence; Production Stage Manager: Charles Blackwell; Stage Manager: Greta Minsky; Technical Supervisor: Theatrical Services, Inc.
Conducted by Zalmen Mlotek; Woodwinds: Howard Leshaw; Keyboards: Alkiviades Steriopoulos; Drums: Allen Herman and John Redsecker; Bass: Edward Conte; Piano: Zalmen Mlotek; Music Contractor: Howard Leshaw
General Press Representative: Max Eisen; Press Representative: Madelon Rosen Solomon; Advertising: LeDonne & Wilner
Understudies: Norman Atkins (Performer), Sandra Ben Dor (Performer), Shifra Lerer (Performer) and Stuart Zagnit (Performer)

Edison Theatre (Nov 07, 1990 - Feb 24, 1991)

Produced by Emanuel Azenberg
Company Manager: Jodi Moss
Act 1
Prologue: Lomir Loybn (Let Us Praise)
Prologue: Sha Shtil (The Rabbi's Coming)
Oyfn Pripetshik (At the Fireplace)
(music by M. Warshavsky; lyrics by M. Warshavsky)
On a Moonlit Night
Ver Der Ershter Vet Lakhan (Who Will Laugh First?)
(music by M. Gebirtig; lyrics by M. Gebirtig)
(music by M. Gebirtig; lyrics by M. Gebirtig)
Hudl Mitn Shtrudl (Hudl with the Shtrudl)
(music by A. Lebedeff; lyrics by A. Lebedeff)
Kasrilevke Restoran (A Restaurant in Kasrilevke)
Di Dinst (The Maid)
Shalakh-Mones (Gifts for Purim)
Yosl Ber
(lyrics by Itsik Manger)
Halevay Volt Ikh Singl Geven (I Wish I Were Single Again)
(music by J. Rumshinksy)
Mamenyu Tayere (Dear Mama)
(lyrics by Mani Leib)
Nokhumke, Mayn Zun (Nochum, My Son)
Saposhkelekh (The Boots)
The Wedding: Khosn-Kale Mazl-Tov (Congratulations to the Bride & Groom)
The Wedding: Di Rod (The Circle)
(music by M. Warshavsky; lyrics by M. Warshavsky)
The Wedding: Der Ayznban (The Train)
The Wedding: Yoshke Fort Avek (Yoske's Going Away)
The Wedding: Mayn Alte Heym
Act 2
Those Were the Days
(music by Gene Raskin; lyrics by Gene Raskin)
Shpil Gitar (Play Guitar)
The Palace of the Czar
(music by Mel Tolkin; lyrics by Mel Tolkin)
Shabes, Shabes, Shabes (Welcoming the Sabbath)
(music by Ben Yomen; lyrics by Ben Bonus)
(music by Hymie Jacobson; lyrics by Hymie Jacobson)
Di Mame (The Mother)
Yiddish International Radio Hour
(lyrics by Chana Mlotek)
Figaro's Aria
(music by Gioacchino Rossini; lyrics by Robert Abelson and Moishe Rosenfeld)
My Yiddishe Mame
(music by Lew Pollack; lyrics by Jack Yeller)
Bei Mir Bistu Schoen (To Me, You're Beautiful)
(music by Sholom Secunda; lyrics by Sammy Cahn, Saul Chaplin and Jacob Jacobs)
In An Orem Shitbele (In a Poor Little House)
A Khazndl Oyf Shabes (A Cantor for the Sabbath)
Papirosn (Cigarettes)
(music by Bella Meisel and Herman Yablokoff; lyrics by Bella Meisel and Herman Yablokoff)
Yosl, Yosl
(music by Samuel Steinberg; lyrics by Nellie Casman)
Rumania, Rumania
(music by A. Lebedeff and Sholom Secunda; lyrics by A. Lebedeff and Sholom Secunda)

Tony Award®


Best Featured Actor in a Musical

1991 Nominee
Bruce Adler

Best Direction of a Musical

1991 Nominee
Directed by Eleanor Reissa

Drama Desk Award

Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical

1991 Winner
Bruce Adler

Outstanding Musical Revue/Entertainment

1991 Nominee
Produced by Moe Septee ; Produced in association with Victor H. Potamkin , Zalmen Mlotek and Moishe Rosenfeld
Week Ending Gross % Gross Pot. Attendance % Capacity # Previews # Perf.
Statistics supplied are courtesy of The Broadway League.

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